Samsung Galaxy A70/A70s - 3mk SilverProtection+

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3mk Protection 5903108303064 5903108303064
Výrobce:3mk Protection
není skladem (info)
220,00 Kč
včetně 21 % DPH

For your and your phone"s safety. The protective film strengthens the display by 400% and the antimicrobial coating kills 99% of bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold.

SilverProtection+ keeps your phone clean

Destroys viruses, bacteria, fungus and mold 24/7

Phones collect germs

Your smartphone is constantly collecting germs. Every time you check your phone, you transfer germs from previously affected areas: doorknobs, handrails, steering wheel.

Did you know that a cell phone screen collects up to 300 times more bacteria than a public restroom?

Did you know that you touch your smartphone screen more than 2,000 times a day and transfer potentially dangerous germs to it?

Your epidermis, sweat, sebum and makeup residue also accumulates on the screen. The heat generated by the device creates perfect conditions for the growth of viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Did you know that scientific studies confirm the possibility of exchange of pathogenic bacteria between persons by using the same phone?


The antimicrobial coating used in SilverProtection+ kills 99% of known viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold. Works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It guards your complete safety even when you cannot take care of proper disinfection. It is the perfect complement to the hygiene of your smartphone.

Absorbs impacts

SilverProtection+ strengthens your smartphone screen by up to 400%. Incredible, right? The multi-layer structure of the film includes an anti-impact primer that minimizes the risk of damage to the phone. Replacing a display can be expensive and time-consuming. Save yourself the trouble.


Without further ado, we have combined the essentials in SilverProtection+. The film is so flexible that it adheres tightly and permanently to even the most curved displays. Your finger glides on like tempered glass! And the icing on the cake: a high-quality oleophobic layer for easy care.


SilverProtection+ is a breakthrough in installation. It has never been so easy! The film is applied using a special 100% safe gel which is included in the set. Air bubbles and dust particles? Forget it! Wet mounting guarantees you a perfect result and requires no practice.


To extend the life of the film, we used a self-healing coating. This means that the film works on its own to repair minor damage or scratches that occur during use. Self-Heal™ allows you to enjoy a perfectly smooth film surface for even longer!

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Does SilverProtection+ film protect against coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and reduce the risk of COVID-19?

The film kills 99% of known viruses. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, however, is a new microorganism and so far there is no clear answer to this question. Research is still ongoing that will resolve this doubt in the near future.

Does the antimicrobial technology work all the time?

Yes, the technology works and protects your phone at all times. Remember, however, that using an antimicrobial film does not relieve you of the need to take care of your smartphone"s hygiene.

Is the antimicrobial technology safe?

Yes, the protective films have been tested and are completely safe for the user.

Is wet mounting safe for the phone?

Yes, mounting with gel is 100% safe for your phone. As with any product, we recommend reading the instructions in detail before starting the application. The amount of gel used during installation is not large and no worries: you will not flood your device with it. Excess gel can be easily wiped off after installation.


Type of protectionAntimicrobial protection film
Screen strength400%
Thickness0.21 mm
Warranty6 months
Set includes3mk SilverProtection+, squeegee, mounting gelCleaningSet.


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