Ugreen HDMI / VGA adapter - mini DisplayPort 4K @ 30 Hz Full HD 1080p white (MD108 10427)

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Ugreen HDMI / VGA adapter - mini DisplayPort 4K @ 30 Hz Full HD 1080p black (MD108)

Universal adapter HDMI / VGA - mini DisplayPort. It allows you to connect an HDMI or VGA cable to the mini DisplayPort on your computer or laptop. The adapter is compatible with a large number of devices and is also easy to use. You do not need to install additional drivers for its operation, it works in Plug & Play mode.

The HDMI port works in 4K @ 30 Hz resolution, and the VGA Full HD 1080p 60 Hz port. Note that only the HDMI or VGA cable can be connected to the adapter. The adapter will not work if two cables are connected to it at the same time.

The adapter can display the image in two modes, mirror - both screens display the same, and extended - the second monitor extends the desktop of the main screen.

A rescue for older receivers

Although the HDMI standard has already entered our devices for good, many homes will still have receivers with a VGA port. There is no point in replacing the TV or projector by force, since the current one is still working, right? However, it would be nice to be able to attach a little newer equipment to them, without losing image quality. The solution to this problem is precisely this adapter. It will allow the signal to be sent from the mini DisplayPort to a device with a VGA port (and only this way).

For different types of devices

The gadget supports a number of different devices equipped with a mini DisplayPort port. From laptops, to consoles (such as PlayStation 3), to various TV boxes.

When the screen is too small

Thanks to the adapter, you can connect a TV or projector to your computer and enjoy a truly cinematic experience while watching movies at home. In addition, the converter will also be perfect for your workplace, when you display your presentation in large format and high resolution during a business meeting.

FullHD input and output

The accessory supports a resolution of up to 1080P, both in the input (HDMI) and the output of the gadget (VGA). Regardless of whether you send the signal from the console, laptop or TV box, it will always be of high quality, despite the limitations of the older connector. A razor-sharp image for virtual gameplay, watching movies or making presentations. In one sentence, anytime, anywhere.

High-quality chip

Inside the device is a high-quality converter chip that does (perfectly, you have to admit) all the dirty work. Losslessly processes the received signal and passes it on in a form that equipment with a VGA connector can easily reproduce. At the same time, it consumes little energy, and the displayed image is clear and without distortion. Such a quiet hero of every film screening or presentation.

Stability and durability

The housing of the adapter is made of strong ABS, which is not only extremely durable, but also resistant to high temperatures. You can easily take it with you on a trip, without fear that it will be damaged in transport. In addition, a thick, copper wire coated with anti-corrosion tin guarantees a stable signal without disturbances and annoying interruptions. It is placed in a braid made of flexible PVC, so you do not have to worry about its durability either.

Just plug it in

The adapter does not require additional programs or hundreds of drivers. All you have to do is connect the plug to a free mini DisplayPort, on the other side plug in the VGA or HDMI cable and it's ready. You can start using it right away. The adapter will automatically start converting the signal regardless of the laptop's operating system. The gadget works with both Windows (10/8/7 / Vista / XP), as well as Mac OS and Linux.

Barva: Bílá
Typ konektoru: Standard HDMI Typ A (female)


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